fieltroteca te presenta este patron de Delilah Iris con el que aprenderás a hacer un Polar Bear and Penguin Felt Animal Pattern Bundle paso a paso, de una manera facil y sencilla.
Se trata de un tutorial para hacer un precioso patron de polar con explicaciones claras y detalladas y además se acompaña de diversas fotos que te guiarán durante la creación de tu labor.
Si te gustan las pinguino, no dudes en animarte a confeccionarlo ya que está pensado para que lo pueda hacer tanto un principiante como la más avanzada de las alumnas.
Pero si este no era el patron que estabas buscando, no pasa nada, estamos seguros que en fieltroteca lo encontrarás. Solo tienes que seguir rastreando nuestra web.
No dudamos que lograrás crear un proyecto igual o incluso superar el original. ¡Anímate!
Más patrones de Delilah Iris
by Delilah Iris
girl, chica, girls, dolls, muñeca, muñecas, muñequita, felt, pattern, patron, fieltro, sewing, delilahiris
by Delilah Iris
animals, animales, animal, zorro, zorrito, muñecos, muñeco, muñeca, muñecas, muñequita, felt, pattern, patron, fieltro, sewing, delilahiris
Puede que te interese
Create your own stuffed arctic felt animals with this bundle of PDF felt sewing patterns. Included in this bundle is the felt penguin sewing pattern and the family of polar bears sewing pattern. The penguin pattern includes the patterns and tutorial to make your own palm sized felt stuffed penguin. The finished penguin stands approximately 4 inches tall with jointed flippers. The felt bear sewing pattern includes 3 sizes of bears along with decorative festive saddle and saddle blanket pattern. The 3 sizes of bear include, from largest to smallest, approximately 5" tall by 7" long, 4 inch tall by 6", and a tiny 1.5" by 2.25" baby bear. This pattern includes instructions and diagrams to sew a felt bear with sewn in wire armature for gentle pose-ability. These patterns are designed to be hand stitched with felt or a similar material. Recommended supplies: * felt sheets (wool or blend, bamboo or even acrylic) * needle and thread * 3-4 mm doll eyes, embroidery thread, or small beads * toy stuffing * small sharp scissors This project is a wonderful introduction to sewing your own stuffed animals!