fieltroteca te presenta este patron de Polly Chrome Crafts con el que aprenderás a hacer un PDF pattern for felt Nativity Advent Add On Set paso a paso, de una manera facil y sencilla.
Se trata de un tutorial para hacer un precioso patron de christmas con explicaciones claras y detalladas y además se acompaña de diversas fotos que te guiarán durante la creación de tu labor.
Si te gustan las navidad, no dudes en animarte a confeccionarlo ya que está pensado para que lo pueda hacer tanto un principiante como la más avanzada de las alumnas.
Pero si este no era el patron que estabas buscando, no pasa nada, estamos seguros que en fieltroteca lo encontrarás. Solo tienes que seguir rastreando nuestra web.
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christmas, navidad, navideño, belen, adornos, ornaments, kits, garland, guirnalda, niños, decor, decoration, party, felt, fieltro, sewing, costura, pattern, patron, pollychromecrafts
Puede que te interese
This listing is for a digital PDF pattern to make your very own felt Nativity add on set. Templates and instructions are included to make a set of 14 festive decorations (11-13cm tall, 2m long garland) designed to expand the original 10 piece Nativity Garland into a 24 piece advent set. For 2019 the original Nativity Garland has been expanded with these 14 additional characters to create a full, 24 piece advent set where you can hang one decoration a day as a countdown to Christmas Day. As the original set has been so popular over the past two years since its launch, the new set is available as a full 24 set, and an add on 14 pieces. Check out the listings in the shop for full photos etc. This listing is perfect for those who already own the 10 piece Nativity Garland (not included in this listing) One each of: Manger Innkeeper Innkeeper's wife Cow Horse Two each of: Shepherds Date palms Camels Three each of: Sheep This listing is for a digital pattern, a physical product will not be sent.