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fieltroteca te presenta este patron de Gingersweetcrafts con el que aprenderás a hacer un Pattern for Felt Easter Cookie Ornaments - Easter Decorations paso a paso, de una manera facil y sencilla.
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Puede que te interese
Learn how to make these adorable Felt Peeps! This listing is for the sewing pattern to make Felt Peep Cookies and Felt Peep Easter Bunnies. Make these bunnies as hanging ornaments, string them together as Easter Garland or simply display these Easter Decorations in a basket. Once purchased, you will receive a digital download of the following 3 files: 1 PDF Tutorial 2 PDF Patterns (Peep Cookie Templates and Peep Bunny templates) Learn how to make these adorable Felt Easter Cookies! This listing is for the pattern to make all nine shapes. These Easter Decorations can be displayed as hanging ornaments or on a cookie plate. Place them in an Easter Basket simply use them for play! Once purchased, you will receive a digital download of the following 5 files: 1 PDF Tutorial 4 PDF Patterns (bunny, bunny paw, carrot, chick, duck, sheep, Easter egg, flower & tulip cookies) Whether you are a beginner or experienced in will enjoy making these felt cookies. The tutorial is easy to follow. Within its pages, you will find step by step detailed instruction. Pictures are provided to help you along the way. The tutorial also includes a stitching guide of all the types of stitches used to make these felt ornaments. Basic sewing supplies are needed and a full list is provided in the tutorial. The finished cookies range between 3 to 4 inches in height.